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Elevate Your Living Space with Creative Feature Walls Designs
24 July 2023|Guide

by Ava Lim

Your living space is a canvas waiting to be transformed into something extraordinary. Feature walls have become an increasingly popular trend in interior design, offering an excellent opportunity to create a focal point and add character to any room. In this article, Sunnyside will delve into the world of feature walls, providing you with innovative ideas and expert advice to revamp your home with style and finesse.

What is a Feature Wall?

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

A feature wall, also known as an accent wall, is a wall within a room that differs in design or colour from the surrounding walls. They serve as a captivating centrepiece, drawing attention and creating a striking visual impact. Feature walls can be adorned with various materials, such as paint, wallpaper, wood, stone, or even fabric, allowing homeowners to express their creativity.

Why Feature Wall?

Feature walls are more than just a decorative element; they play a vital role in interior design. By carefully selecting the right design, colour, and materials, you can alter the perception of space, making it feel more spacious, cosy, or intimate. Additionally, these walls provide an opportunity to showcase your unique personality and style, making your home truly one-of-a-kind.

Where to Incorporate Feature Wall?

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

A feature wall is a wall that stands out from the other plain walls in a space. Be it a hallway feature wall, flat screen TV feature wall, feature wall in the kids' room, in the bathroom, bedroom or all the way to the kitchen, you may have a feature wall; anywhere in your home. The only concern is, making sure you don't overdo it and create visual clutter. However, we should incorporate feature walls wisely into our living spaces to elevate the entire look of the space.

Distinct Feature Wall Design Ideas

Types of Feature Wall Materials

Image Credits: Charlotte May

From classic paint to intricate wallpaper patterns, there is an array of materials to choose from for your feature wall. Paint offers versatility, while wallpaper brings in texture and prints. For a rustic touch, consider using reclaimed wood, or go for the elegance of natural stone. Each material brings its distinct charm to your living space.

In Singapore, many homeowners put effort into renovating their TV feature walls because that is the focus of the entire living room. The common accent walls include a wood feature wall, a marble feature wall, tiles feature wall, and sometimes a brick feature wall. Compared to the others, the marble feature wall will cost you the most but gives a luxurious look to your living space.

Feature Wall Colour Schemes

The choice of colours can significantly impact the ambience of a room. Opt for bold and vibrant colours to create a lively atmosphere, or choose neutral tones for a calming effect. Complementing the existing colour palette of your room or experimenting with contrasting hues can lead to visually stunning results.

Textured Feature Walls

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

Texture adds depth and dimension to a feature wall, making it visually captivating. Textured wallpaper, 3D panels, or even decorative stencils can instantly elevate the appeal of your space. By playing with texture, you can create an alluring backdrop that effortlessly captures attention.

Painted Feature Walls

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

A painted feature wall is a versatile and cost-effective way to revamp your home. With a brush and some creative vision, you can transform a blank wall into a captivating work of art. One of the most popular painted feature wall ideas is geometric pattern painting. The clean lines and symmetrical shapes can create a modern and sophisticated look. Choose contrasting colours to make the pattern stand out or opt for subtle tones to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

Enhancing Your Home with Feature Walls: Tips and Tricks

Maximising Space with Mirrors

Mirrors are excellent tools for enhancing the sense of space in a room. Placing a large mirror on your feature wall can create an illusion of depth and openness, making the room appear more expansive.

Lighting Considerations for Feature Walls

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

Strategically placed lighting can accentuate your feature wall and highlight its design. Whether it's natural light, recessed lighting, track lighting, wall sconces, or decorative fixtures, the right lighting can bring out the best in your feature wall.

Showcasing Artwork and Photographs

Your feature wall doesn't have to be limited to paint or wallpaper. Consider turning it into an art gallery space by displaying artwork, photographs, or even a collection of decorative plates. This personal touch adds character and visual interest to your feature wall.

How to Maintain and Clean Feature Walls

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

Maintaining your feature wall's beauty is essential for a lasting impression. Different materials require different care, so ensure you follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and maintenance. Regular dusting and occasional spot cleaning can keep your feature wall looking fresh and inviting.

A well-designed feature wall has the power to transform a room from ordinary to extraordinary. By exploring various designs, materials, and colours, you can infuse your living space with personality and style. Whether you prefer a bold and artistic approach or a more understated modern design, feature walls provide endless opportunities to express yourself creatively.

Image Credits: Max Rahubovskiy

In short, feature walls are a powerful tool to elevate your living space and add a touch of personality to your home. By exploring various designs, materials, and colour schemes, you can create a captivating focal point that leaves a lasting impression on anyone who enters the room.

Whether you opt for a bold geometric pattern or a textured feature wall, the possibilities are endless. So, why wait? Embrace the potential of feature walls and embark on a journey to transform your living space today.

Get started now with Sunnyside as our partnering interior designers can help you in achieving your dream home with these creative feature wall elements. Need more inspiration? Click here to read our previous article on the trending Barbie-pink-themed home. Don't forget to visit our website and check out the completed projects done by our partnering interior designing firms and follow us on Instagram for new updates!

About the author:

Ava Lim is a skilled copywriter with a keen eye for the nuances of interior design and architectural aesthetics. With years of experience in the industry, Ava combines her expertise with a creative flair to produce compelling content that resonates with both professionals and enthusiasts alike. When she's not crafting articles, Ava indulges in her other passions—painting and singing.

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